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BPP University BPP Professional Education

Making a difference

Through BPP University Law School’s Corporate Social Responsibility strategy, we use our position and voice to improve legal knowledge, help communities and raise aspirations.

Improving access to justice

BPP Pro Bono Centre’s projects provide free legal assistance to local communities and the most vulnerable in our society. We offer a wide variety of services across many areas of law, including employment, family, housing and debt advice, legal translation and personal support.

Our pro bono team directly helped over 600 clients in 2016 through our Employment Law Telephone Advice Line and Legal Advice Clinics

We also deliver free legal education presentations, helping to empower individuals by making them more aware of their rights and responsibilities as citizens in a democratic society.

 We provided free legal education to over 2900 members of the public in 2015/16

We fund the places of trainees on the Legal Education Foundation’s Justice First Fellowship to study the Professional Skills Course. All trainees work in NGOs aimed at delivering free advice to the vulnerable.

The Pro Bono Centre seeks to ensure that future lawyers are engaged in social welfare law issues and to promote social welfare law as a career option. With this in mind, the Pro Bono Centre has one trainee undertaking a training contract in housing, family, employment and commercial law.

Committed to helping communities

We encourage BPP University staff and students to make a positive difference to communities, by raising money and lending their skills. Here’s just some of the ways we help:

  • Fundraising for the Legal Support Trust by running bake sales, quiz nights, and taking part in legal walks
  • Sending a team to volunteer in the Calais Refugee Camp before it was dismantled and supporting Care4Calais
  • Recruiting soup kitchen volunteers in London and Manchester
  • Providing training to volunteers for the charity A4ID  for use in their work in India and Africa
  • Helping ROLE UK recruit staff to deliver training in Rwanda to government legal officials
  • Delivering educational workshops with the National Justice Museum charity
  • Encouraging staff to work as trustees and leading by example


 Promoting inclusivity in the legal profession

At BPP University Law School, we aspire to facilitate a legal profession open to all.

We recognise the financial barrier for many who would like to pursue a career in law, and offer a range of bursaries and scholarships to high achievers who might not have the finances to go to university, but do have the ability, commitment and dedication.

In 2017 alone, £850,000 worth of scholarships and bursaries were available across the Law School.

We are keen to introduce the idea of being a lawyer to young people who might not otherwise have considered entering the profession. We deliver commercial awareness and life in law presentations in schools, offer our premises to youth projects, and provide workplace experience through Key4Life and St Mungos.

For more information

If you are interested in finding out more about the CSR projects at BPP Law School, please contact Victoria Speed or Jessica Austen (Joint Directors of Pro Bono & CSR, Law School) by emailing

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